IEEE P1806-2021/Cor 1

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IEEE Approved Draft Guide for Reliability-Based Placement of Overhead and Underground Switching and Overcurrent Protection Equipment up to and Including 38 kV – Corrigendum 1

IEEE , 12/25/2024

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This corrigendum • updates three number errors in Table 10, • aligns currency values in the examples in Annex A with the general currency value in table A.1, and • updates all currency values to remove dollar signs and to change to generic currency signs.
This guide provides means and methodologies for proper placement of switches and protective devices to achieve the desired performance characteristics and reliability for distribution circuits, including feeder and branch line equipment, with operating voltages up to and including 38 kV. Drivers for device placement, such as reliability and operational considerations are identified. Various types of switching and overcurrent equipment are covered such as: manual switches, automated switches, reclosers, sectionalizers, and fuses. Impacts on reliability and device placement are addressed for factors such as fault rate, interruption duration, exposure length (e.g., km or miles), customers affected and distribution automation and automated restoration.
Corrigendum Standard – Active – Draft. This corrigendum provides corrections to typographical errors in Table 10 and aligns currency values in table A.1 and updates all currency values to remove dollar signs and to change to generic currency signs.