This standard applies to surge protectors for application on multiconductor and coaxial, balanced or unbalanced, data, communications, and signaling circuits with voltages less than or equal to 1000 V rms, or 1200 V dc. These surge protectors are intended to limit voltage surges, current surges, or both. This standard provides performance criteria and tables of preferred values for performance based on characterization tests performed in accordance with IEEE Std C62.36-19941. The surge protectors covered are multiple-component series or parallel combinations of linear or nonlinear elements, packaged for the purpose of limiting voltage, current, or both. Figure 1 of IEEE Std C62.36-1994, reproduced here for convenience, illustrates as functional block diagrams the surge protectors covered by this standard. This standard is not intended to cover packaged single gas tube, air gap, varistor, or avalanche junction surge-protective devices, which are included in IEEE Std C62.31-1987, IEEE Std C62.32-1981, IEEE Std C62.33-1982, and IEEE Std C62.35-1987, respectively. Safety aspects of performance specifications are not covered; such aspects are covered in the National Electrical Code® (NEC®) (NFPA 70-1996). Specifically excluded from this standard are protectors for low-voltage power circuit applications.
New IEEE Standard – Superseded. This standard applies to surge protectors for application on multiconductor and coaxial, balanced or unbalanced, data, communications, and signaling circuits with voltages less than or equal to 1000 V rms, or 1200 V dc. These surge protectors are intended to limit voltage surges, current surges, or both.
New IEEE Standard – Superseded. This standard applies to surge protectors for application on multiconductor and coaxial, balanced or unbalanced, data, communications, and signaling circuits with voltages less than or equal to 1000 V rms, or 1200 V dc. These surge protectors are intended to limit voltage surges, current surges, or both.