This standard covers drawout type, indoor medium-voltage grounding and testing (G&T) devices for use in drawout metal-clad switchgear rated above 4.76 kV through 38 kV as described in IEEE Std C37.20.2-1993. Three G&T device types are generally supplied for temporary circuit maintenance procedures for insertion in place of the circuit breaker as follows: a) Simple manual devices b) Simple electrical devices c) Complex electrical devices There may be more complex G&T devices that may include current and/or voltage transformers, glow-tubes, or other accessory components and may also have the ability to interrupt short-circuit current. These more complex devices are not covered by this standard. Due to their complexity, additional testing and interlocking are required and manufacturers should be consulted for the availability and ratings of these types of devices.
Ground and test devices are not presently covered by standards.
New IEEE Standard – Superseded. Drawout type grounding and testing (G&T) devices for use in medium-voltage metal-clad switchgear rated above 4.76 kV through 38 kV are covered. The description, design, and testing of these accessory devices that are inserted in place of drawout circuit breakers for the purpose of grounding and testing are also covered.
Ground and test devices are not presently covered by standards.
New IEEE Standard – Superseded. Drawout type grounding and testing (G&T) devices for use in medium-voltage metal-clad switchgear rated above 4.76 kV through 38 kV are covered. The description, design, and testing of these accessory devices that are inserted in place of drawout circuit breakers for the purpose of grounding and testing are also covered.