IEEE 487.3a-2022

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IEEE Standard for the Electrical Protection of Communication Facilities Serving Electric Supply Locations Through the Use of Hybrid Facilities – Amendment 1

IEEE , 02/09/2023

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IEEE 487.3a-2022 PDF

This addendum provides requirements for implementation of a new powering option at Copper to Fiber Junction (CFJ) equipment locations.
This standard presents workable methods that can be used with greater reliability to improve the electrical protection of telecommunication facilities serving electric supply locations through the use of metallic wire-line components in part of the telecommunication circuit and optical fiber systems in the remainder of the telecommunication circuit. Hybrid applications have an equipment junction between the metallic wireline and the fiber cable, i.e., a wire-line-fiber cable junction (CFJ).
Amendment Standard – Active. Safe and reliable methods for the electrical protection of telecommunication facilities serving electric supply locations through the use of metallic wire-line components in part of the telecommunication circuit, and optical fiber systems in the remainder of the telecommunication circuit are presented in this standard. Hybrid applications have an equipment junction between the metallic wire-line and the optical fiber cable, i.e., a wire-line-fiber cable junction (CFJ).