IEEE 3333.1.2-2017

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IEEE Standard for the Perceptual Quality Assessment of Three-Dimensional (3D) and Ultra-High-Definition (UHD) Contents

IEEE , 06/28/2018

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This standard establishes methods for quality assessment of 3D and UHD contents based on physiological mechanisms such as perceptual quality and visual attention. This standard identifies and quantifies the following causes and visual attention of perceptual quality degradation for 3D and UHD image and video contents: — Compression distortion, such as multi-view image and video compression — Interpolation distortion by intermediate-view rendering, such as 3D and UHD warping, view synthesis — Structural distortion, such as bit errors on wireless/wired transmission errors — Visual attention according to the quality degradation Key items are needed to characterize the 3D and UHD database in terms of the human visual system. These key factors are constructed in conjunction with the visual factors used to perceive quality and visual attention.
The purpose of this standard is to define quality metrics for 3D and UHD quality assessment, and establish guidelines in order for users to entertain contents in 3D/UHD displays and devices without any risks. The major parameters considered in this standard include viewers’ characteristics, visual contents, visual environment and display and devices described in the scope. Although many metrics and methods for assessing quality of images and videos on 2 dimensional (2D) displays have been established, there has been little progress in the field of the 3D and UHD domain. This is, in part, due to the fact that these quality metrics need to take into account additional factors accrued from the dimension extension and resolution changes. Since the visual quality is eventually determined by the human eye, this standard will define how each human factor affects the visual quality of 3D and UHD contents. This standard provides objective 3D/UHD image and video quality metrics that are in agreement with subjective human judgments and previous research in academy and industry.
New IEEE Standard – Superseded. The world is witnessing a rapid advance in stereoscopic 3D (S3D), and ultra-highdefinition (UHD) technology. As a result, the need for accurate quality and visual-comfort assessment techniques to foster the display device industry as well as signal-processing area. In this standard, thorough assessments with respect to the human visual system (HVS) for S3D and UHD contents shall be presented. Moreover, several image and video databases are also publicly provided for any research purpose.