This standard provides the means to define and describe signals used in testing. It provides a set of common basic signal definitions, built upon formal mathematical specifications, so that signals can be combined to form complex signals usable across all test platforms. The standard provides support for structural textual languages and programming language interfaces for interoperability.
This standard provides a common reference for signal definitions, which may be used throughout the life cycle of a unit under test (UUT) or test system. Such a reference will in turn facilitate information transfer, test reuse, and broader application of test information–accessible through commercially available development tools.
Revision Standard – Inactive-Reserved. This standard provides the means to define and describe signals used in testing. It also provides a set of common basic signals, built upon formal mathematical specifications so that signals can be combined to form complex signals usable across all test platforms.
This standard provides a common reference for signal definitions, which may be used throughout the life cycle of a unit under test (UUT) or test system. Such a reference will in turn facilitate information transfer, test reuse, and broader application of test information–accessible through commercially available development tools.
Revision Standard – Inactive-Reserved. This standard provides the means to define and describe signals used in testing. It also provides a set of common basic signals, built upon formal mathematical specifications so that signals can be combined to form complex signals usable across all test platforms.