IEEE 1450.2-2002

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IEEE Standard for Extensions to Standard Test Interface Language (STIL) (IEEE Std 1450-1999) for DC Level Specification

IEEE , 03/18/2003

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IEEE 1450.2-2002 PDF

Define structures in STIL for specifying the DC conditions for a device under test. Examples of the DC conditions for device power supplies are: device power supply setup, power sequencing to the device, power supply limiting/clamping. Examples of the DC conditions for commonly used signal references are: VIL, VIH, VOL, VOH, IOL, IOH, VREF, VClampLow, VClampHi. Define structures in STIL such that the DC conditions may be specified either globally, by pattern burst, by pattern, or by vector. Define structures in STIL to allow specification of alternate DC levels. Examples of commonly used alternate levels are: VIHH, VIPP, VILL. Define structures in STIL such that the DC levels and alternate levels can be selected within a period, much the same as timed format events.
This effort will define constructs in STIL to specify the DC conditions necessary to execute the digital vectors on Automated Test Equipment (ATE). This will complement the IEEE Std. 1450-1999 definition which defines structures for specification of timing and format information, but does not define the DC conditions under which this information should be applied.
New IEEE Standard – Inactive-Reserved. Define structures in STIL for specifying the DC conditions for a device under test. Examples of the DC conditions for device power supplies are: device power supply setup, power sequencing to the device, power supply limit