This standard, IEEE 1284.3, defines system extensions consistent with the implementation and functionality of IEEE Std 1284. These functions include: Multi-port expansion architectures Multiplexor Daisy Chain Application and Device Driver Programming Interface architecture that can be supported across various operating systems. Data link layer services for supporting IEEE Std 1284 parallel ports.
IEEE Std 1284 (hereafter referred to as Std 1284) specifies all the required mechanical, electrical, and timing characteristics for a high-speed, bi-directional parallel port for printers and other peripherals. While these parameters define the physical environment and protocol requirements for an operational Std 1284 port, there is a need to standardize a number of extensions and operating system interfaces to help facilitate operation across various system platforms and operating environments.
New IEEE Standard – Inactive-Withdrawn. Administratively Withdrawn February 2006 System extensions consistent with the implementation and functionality of IEEE Std 1284-2000 are covered. Multiport expansion architectures, daisy chains, an application and devicedriver programming interface architecture, and data link layer services are explored.
IEEE Std 1284 (hereafter referred to as Std 1284) specifies all the required mechanical, electrical, and timing characteristics for a high-speed, bi-directional parallel port for printers and other peripherals. While these parameters define the physical environment and protocol requirements for an operational Std 1284 port, there is a need to standardize a number of extensions and operating system interfaces to help facilitate operation across various system platforms and operating environments.
New IEEE Standard – Inactive-Withdrawn. Administratively Withdrawn February 2006 System extensions consistent with the implementation and functionality of IEEE Std 1284-2000 are covered. Multiport expansion architectures, daisy chains, an application and devicedriver programming interface architecture, and data link layer services are explored.