This document provides general guidelines toward the preparation of a functional specification of transmission static var compensators (SVCs) using conventional thyristor technology. Many clauses will be useful for compensator systems using gate turn-off (GTO) thyristor technology [static compensator (STATCOM)] or other semiconductor devices, or SVCs associated with high-voltage dc (HVDC) converter stations, or industrial and distribution applications. General terms and conditions forming the commercial part of a specification for a particular project are outside the scope of this document.
Starting at Clause 4, this document presents technical clauses that may be used as the basis of a functional SVC specification. The wording deliberately uses should rather than shall because this document is a guide, not a specification. The user of this guide might wish to make this adjustment when converting clauses into a specification. Annex B of this document contains supplemental information intended to further develop specific clauses. Further information is referenced by the same subdivision numbering used in the main text.
Revision Standard – Superseded. This guide documents an approach to preparing a specification for a transmission static var compensator. The document is intended to serve as a base specification with an informative annex provided to allow users to modify or develop specific clauses to meet a particular application.
Starting at Clause 4, this document presents technical clauses that may be used as the basis of a functional SVC specification. The wording deliberately uses should rather than shall because this document is a guide, not a specification. The user of this guide might wish to make this adjustment when converting clauses into a specification. Annex B of this document contains supplemental information intended to further develop specific clauses. Further information is referenced by the same subdivision numbering used in the main text.
Revision Standard – Superseded. This guide documents an approach to preparing a specification for a transmission static var compensator. The document is intended to serve as a base specification with an informative annex provided to allow users to modify or develop specific clauses to meet a particular application.