CSA C22.2 NO. 72-M1984 (R2008)

Original price was: $58.00.Current price is: $29.00.

Heater Elements

CSA Group , 05/25/2000

Guaranteed Safe Checkout
This PDF includes GI #2, #3 and #4.

1. Scope


This Standard applies to heater elements for use in equipment intended to be connected to a supply of nominal system voltage of 600 V or less, and to those elements that are installed in accordance with the Rules of the Canadian Ele ctrical Code, Part I.


This Standard applies to the following types: (a) open wire (including wire, ribbon, and expanded metal); (b) metal sheathed; (c) variable resistance over-temperature (VR/T); and (d) special (eg, quartz tube, woven mat, parallel circuit mat, rope, cartridge, and strip).


This Standard does not apply to heating cables or electric duct heaters.