AWS C3.6M/C3.6:2016

Original price was: $90.00.Current price is: $45.00.

Specification for Furnace Brazing

American Welding Society , 01/01/2016

Guaranteed Safe Checkout

AWS C3.6M/C3.6 PDF

This specification presents the minimum fabrication and quality requirements for the furnace brazing of materials such as steels, stainless steels, nickel, nickel alloys, copper, copper alloys, and heat- or corrosion-resistant materials as well as other materials that can be adequately furnace brazed. Note that the furnace brazing of aluminum alloys is addressed in AWS C3.7M/C3.7, Specification for Aluminum Brazing.

The purpose of this specification is to standardize furnace brazing process requirements and brazed joint quality requirements for all applications requiring brazed joints of assured quality. This document establishes minimum requirements for processes and products with a minimum of explanatory information so that sources of ambiguity are minimized. It assigns responsibility for the ultimate quality of the brazed product to a single organization and permits that organization to modify requirements if appropriate to the application. It requires proper documentation of any such modifications.