- Physical constants and frequency distributions
- Relationship between two or more variables
- Causes of observed phenomena
Part 1 discusses frequency distributions, simple statistical measures, and the concise presentation of the essential information contained in a singles set of n observations. It also includes additional information on the construction of box plots with a clearer definition of terms, as well as new sections on probability plots and transformations.
Part 2 examines the problem of expressing plus/minus limits of uncertainty for various statistical measures, together with some working rules for rounding-off observed results to an appropriate number of significant figures.
Part 3 covers the control chart method for the analysis of observational data obtained from a series of samples, and for detecting lack of statistical control of quality.
New Part 4 discusses material on measurement systems analysis, process capability, and process performance. This important section is included to help evaluate the measurement process before any analysis of the process is begun.