1.1This classification covers matched sets of scales for classifying an aspect of the serviceability of an office facility, that is, the capability of an office facility to meet certain possible requirements for layout and building factors.
1.2Within that aspect of serviceability, each matched set of scales, shown in Figs. 1-12, are for classifying one topic of serviceability. Each topic is typically broken down into two or more demand functions or supply features. Each paragraph in an Occupant Requirement Scale (see Figs. 1-12) summarizes one level of serviceability on that function, which occupants might require. The matching entry in the Facility Rating Scale (see Figs. 1-12) is a translation of the requirement into a description of certain features of a facility which, taken in combination, indicate that the facility is likely to meet that level of required serviceability.
FIG. 1Demand Scale A.7.1.1 for Constraints on Layout
FIG. 2Demand Scale A.7.1.2 for Constraints of Population Density
FIG. 3Demand Scale A.7.1.3 for Cost of Upgrade
FIG. 4Supply Scale A.7.1.1 for Constraints on Layout
FIG. 5Supply Scale A.7.1.2 for Population Density Supported
FIG. 6Supply Scale A.7.1.3 for Cost of Upgrade