1.1This guide covers procedures for obtaining laboratory data concerning the developmental toxicity of a test material. The test utilizes embryos of the African clawed frog, Xenopus laevis and is called FETAX (Frog Embryo Teratogenesis Assay-Xenopus) (1).2 Some of these procedures will be useful for conducting developmental toxicity tests with other species of frogs although numerous modifications might be necessary. A list of alternative anurans is presented in Appendix X1.
1.2A renewal exposure regimen and the collection of the required mortality, malformation, and growth-inhibition data are described. Special needs or circumstances might require different types of exposure and data concerning other effects. Some of these modifications are listed in Appendix X2 although other modifications might also be necessary. Whenever these procedures are altered or other species used, the results of tests might not be comparable between modified and unmodified procedures. Any test that is conducted using modified procedures should be reported as having deviated from the guide.
1.3These procedures are applicable to all chemicals either individually or in formulations, commercial products or mixtures that can be measured accurately at the necessary concentrations in water. With appropriate modification these procedures can be used to conduct tests on the effects of temperature, dissolved oxygen, pH, physical agents, and on materials such as aqueous effluents (see Guide E1192), surface and ground waters, leachates, aqueous and solid phase extracts, and solid phase samples, such as soils and sediments, particulate matter, sediment, and whole bulk soils and sediment.
1.4This standard does not purport to address all of the safety concerns, if any, associated with its use. It is the responsibility of the user of this standard to establish appropriate safety and health practices and determine the applicability of regulatory limitations prior to use.
1.5This guide is arranged as follows:
Section |
Referenced Documents |
2 |
Terminology |
3 |
Summary of Guide |
4 |
Significance and Use |
5 |
Safety Precautions |
6 |
Apparatus |
7 |
Water for Culturing Xenopus adults |
8 |
Requirements |
8.1 |
Source |
8.2 |
Treatment |
8.3 |
Characterization |
8.4 |
FETAX Solution Water |
9 |
Requirements |
9.1 |
Formulation |
9.2 |
Test Material |
10 |
General |
10.1 |
Stock Solution |
10.2 |
Test Organisms |
11 |
Species |
11.1 |
Source |
11.2 |
Adults |
11.3 |
Breeding |
11.4 |
Embryos |
11.5 |
Procedure |
12 |
Experimental Design |
12.1 |
Temperature and pH Requirements |
12.2 |
Beginning the Test |
12.3 |
Renewal |
12.4 |
Duration of Test |
12.5 |
Exogenous Metabolic Activation System (MAS) |
12.6 |
Biological Data |
12.7 |
Analytical Methodology |
13 |
Acceptability of the Test |
14 |
Documentation |
15 |
Keywords |
16 |
Appendixes |
17 |
X1. List of Alternative Species |
Appendix X1 |
X2. Additional Endpoints and Alternative Exposures |
Appendix X2 |
X3. Concentration Steps for Range-Finding Tests |
Appendix X3 |
X4. Microsome Isolation Reagents and NADPH Generating System Components, |
Appendix X4 |
References |