1.1 This method will measure the concentration of gaseous hydrochloric and hydrofluoric acids, and other gaseous chlorides and fluorides that pass through a particulate matter filter maintained at 177°C (350°F). This method is specific for sampling combustion effluent from mineral calcining industries and other stationary sources where the reactive/adsorptive nature of the particulate matter may affect measurements.
1.2 This method utilizes ion chromatography to quantify the aqueous samples, and thus measures only the C1– and F– ions.
1.3 Based on a one-hour sampling run, the method will provide results of known accuracy and precision for chloride and fluoride in-stack concentrations of 0.5 ppm (v) dry or greater. Extending the run duration and sampling a greater volume of effluent will extend the range to lower concentrations.
1.4 This method includes optional post-test quality assurance procedures to assess the bias of the test results, and optional paired sample train runs to assess the precision of test results.