1.1 This test method covers the determination of the fiber content, fiber areal weight, matrix solids content and matrix content of composite material prepregs. Optionally, the matrix solids content can also be determined after a volatiles content has been established. Volatiles content, if appropriate and required, is determined by means of Test Method D3530/D3530M.
1.2 Procedure A of this test method applies to composite prepreg of primarily thermosetting matrices that can be extracted in organic solvent. The reinforcement and filler must be substantially insoluble in the selected extraction reagent. This procedure may also be used for the same purposes to extract other matrix material types.
1.3 Procedure B of this test method uses ignition loss of a composite prepreg matrix and applies to organic matrix composite systems containing reinforcing fibers that do not change mass when exposed to the matrix combustion method.
1.4 This test method assumes a two-part material system (plus volatiles) and does not distinguish between hybrid reinforcements or matrices. Use with hybrid composites is limited to determination of total reinforcement or total matrix content.