1.1.1 To define a common test procedure for the collection of sprinkler test data such as pressure, flow rate, and radius of throw, which may be used for the purpose of publishing performance specifications for sprinklers whose areas of coverage have uniform radii.
1.1.2 To provide methods for the interpretation of test data for sprinkler performance specifications, as derived from paragraph 1.1.1.
1.1.3 To provide a method to readily distinguish which performance specifications have been developed using this procedure.
1.2 The sprinkler performance specifications presented are to be of such extent and accuracy as to assist irrigation system designers when comparing the basic performance of various types and makes of sprinklers.
1.3 This Standard describes the types and methods of obtaining and recording pertinent test data. There must be a sufficient amount of data recorded and retained to support published performance specifications so apparent conflicts can be resolved.