ACI CODE-440.11-22 (SI)

Original price was: $149.00.Current price is: $74.00.

Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Reinforced with Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Bars-Code and Commentary

American Concrete Institute , 03/01/2023

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ACI CODE-440.11-22 (SI) PDF

This Code was developed by an ANSI-approved consensus process and addresses structural systems, members, and connections, including cast-in-place, precast, nonprestressed, and composite construction. The “Building Code Requirements for Structural Concrete Reinforced with Glass Fiber-Reinforced Polymer (GFRP) Bars” (“Code”) provides minimum requirements for the materials, design, and detailing of structural concrete buildings and, where applicable, nonbuilding structures reinforced with GFRP bars that conform to the requirements of ASTM D7957-22. Among the subjects covered are: design and construction for strength, serviceability, and durability; load combinations, load factors, and strength reduction factors; structural analysis methods; deflection limits; development and splicing of reinforcement; construction document information; field inspection and testing; and methods to evaluate the strength of existing structures.