AASHTO TP 105-20

Original price was: $89.00.Current price is: $44.00.

Standard Method of Test for Determining the Fracture Energy of Asphalt Mixtures Using the Semicircular Bend Geometry (SCB)

American Association of State Highway and Transportation Officials , 2020

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AASHTO TP 105-20 covers the determination of the fracture energy Gf of asphalt mixtures by means of the semicircular bend geometry (SCB). The method also includes procedures for calculating fracture toughness (KIC and stiffness (S). The SCB specimen is a half disc with a notch (its length expressed in meters) that makes an angle α with the verical axis of the disc.The procedures in this standard provide parameters that describe the fracture resistance of asphalt mixtures at low temperatures. These parameters are used in the new low-temperature module of the Mechanistic Empirical Pavement Design guide.These procedures apply to test specimens having a maximum aggregate size of 19 mm or less. Specimens shall be 150 ± 9 mm in diameter and 24.7 mm ± 2 mm thick. These procedures are valid at temperatures below the performance grade (PG) lower limit of the asphalt binder used to prepare the asphalt mixture plus 22°C.