This standard provides a reference guide for the kinds of nondestructive examination methods that are used to verify that welds meet the requirements of a code or specification. The nondestructive examination methods described are:
(1) Visual
(2) Penetrant
(3) Magnetic Particle
(4) Radiographic
(5) Ultrasonic
(6) Electromagnetic
(7) Leak
The types of discontinuities detected with each method are disclosed and their causes discussed. Acceptance criteria are not addressed in this standard. Such requirements may be in the application code. Requirements for nondestructive examination and acceptance criteria not provided in the application should be the specified in procurement documents prior the award of contracts.
Nondestructive examination (NDE) is a general term used in this text to identify the common inspection methods for evaluation of welds and related materials without destroying their usefulness.
Principal factors to consider when choosing an inspection method are the advantages and limitations of the method, anticipated type and size of discontinuity, acceptance standards, and cost. Annex A is a guide to process selection.
AWS has chosen nondestructive examination (NDE) as the preferred terminology for these inspection methods. In other standards, literature, and industry usage, other expressions are commonly used. Among these are: nondestructive evaluation (NDE), nondestructive inspection (NDI), and nondestructive testing (NDT). It must be emphasized that all of these expressions are commonly used and may be considered equivalent.