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External Coating System Selection Criteria for Hygienic Facilities [New Practice]

Process Industry Practices , 04/01/2020

Guaranteed Safe Checkout
This Practice provides guidance for the selection of industrial coating systems utilized for substrates used in hygienic processes and facilities. This Practice describes the criteria for the selection of industrial coating systems for process areas, non-process areas structural steel, equipment, vessels, tanks, and piping that are exposed to a variety of cleaning methods.

This Practice does not include criteria for the selection of industrial coating systems for insulated items in cyclic temperature service, internal linings, underground substrates, maintenance coating, or color selection.

This Practice does not attempt to address all issues that are associated with direct product contact environments. Jurisdictional requirements should be followed.

This Practice is not intended to address coating systems for primary containment of product transport and/or storage. Users are to refer to other PIP hygienic process Practices for process equipment and piping.