IEEE P1901c

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IEEE Approved Draft Standard for Broadband over Power Line Networks: Medium Access Control and Physical Layer Specifications Amendment 3: Enhanced Flexible Channel Wavelet (FCW) physical and media access control layers for use on any media

IEEE , 05/15/2024

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This amendment improves the PHY and MAC layers of FCW to be usable for communications on any media. It defines new communication channels in low-frequency bands to extend the communication range and to increase the robustness of communications. This amendment specifies how the FCW PHY/MAC is used for transmission over various media, including underwater communication and near field communication using loop antennas. FCW PHY/MAC coexists with IEEE 1901.1 using existing IEEE 1901-2020 Inter-System Protocol (ISP) and coexists with IEEE 1901.2.
New modulation techniques offer the possibility to use any media for high-speed or long-range (lower speed) communications. The standard enables a seamless integration with other networking protocols, such as bridging for seamless interconnection via the IEEE 802.1 series of Standards for Local and Metropolitan Area Network and enables seamless communications over different media and between high-speed and long-range (lower speed) networks. The standard complies with electromagnetic compatibility (EMC) limits for communications on power lines set by national regulators, so as to enable successful coexistence between BPL systems and wireless and telecommunications systems. The standard also complies with EMC limits for communications using radio waves set by national regulators.
Amendment Standard – Active – Draft. Physical (PHY) and media access control (MAC) layers of an improved flexible channel wavelet (FCW) technology to be usable for communication on any media called extended flexible channel wavelet (FCW) PHY/MAC are specified in this amendment. New communication channels are defined in low-frequency bands to extend the communication range and increase the robustness of communication, and how the IEEE Std 1588 precision time protocol (PTP) works over wavelet networks is specified to enhance network functions.