This guide describes the architecture and operation of a WAVE system based on IEEE 1609 standards and IEEE Std 802.11-2012.
New IEEE Standard – Superseded. The wireless access in vehicular environments (WAVE) architecture and services necessary for WAVE devices to communicate in a mobile vehicular environment are described in this guide. It is meant to be used in conjunction with the family of IEEE 1609 standards as of its publication date. These include IEEE Std 1609.2™, IEEE Standard Security Services for Applications and Management Messages, IEEE Std 1609.3 Networking Services, IEEE Std 1609.4 Multi-Channel Operation, IEEE Std 1609.11 Over-the-Air Electronic Payment Data Exchange Protocol for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), IEEE Std 1609.12 Identifier Allocations, and IEEE Std 802.11 in operation outside the context of a basic service set.
New IEEE Standard – Superseded. The wireless access in vehicular environments (WAVE) architecture and services necessary for WAVE devices to communicate in a mobile vehicular environment are described in this guide. It is meant to be used in conjunction with the family of IEEE 1609 standards as of its publication date. These include IEEE Std 1609.2™, IEEE Standard Security Services for Applications and Management Messages, IEEE Std 1609.3 Networking Services, IEEE Std 1609.4 Multi-Channel Operation, IEEE Std 1609.11 Over-the-Air Electronic Payment Data Exchange Protocol for Intelligent Transportation Systems (ITS), IEEE Std 1609.12 Identifier Allocations, and IEEE Std 802.11 in operation outside the context of a basic service set.