IEEE C37.122.6-2013

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IEEE Recommended Practice for the Interface of New Gas-Insulated Equipment in Existing Gas-Insulated Substations Rated above 52 kV

IEEE , 01/31/2014

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IEEE C37.122.6-2013 PDF

This document gives the recommended practices for designing and installing the interfaces between existing gas-insulated substation (GIS) equipment and new GIS equipment that is added at a later date and may be of different design and of different manufacturer. The recommended practices apply for GIS rated above 52 kV. They also include the interfaces between gas-insulated line (GIL) equipment and GIS equipment rated above 52 kV.
[This document will not include a Purpose clause] Extensions of GIS are sometime needed years after the initial delivery of equipment. Extension with same type of equipment may not be possible. In such conditions, interfaces between the existing and new equipment is required. However, interface practice is not currently covered by a consensus document like IEEE and IEC standards. This document will recommend practices, for both users and manufacturers, for identification of, and solution to, interface connections between different GIS equipment.
Revision Standard – Inactive-Reserved. Recommendations for the connection of gas-insulated substation to another gas-insulated substation of a different make or design are given. IEEE Std 1416TM is replaced by this recommended practice.