This document specifies standard service conditions, standard ratings, environmental performance requirements, and testing requirements for communications networking devices and communications ports in protective relays installed in electric power substations. It does not cover such equipment designed for operation in other environments, such as office locations. Other than their communications ports, it does not cover such equipment used in protective relaying applications, for which IEEE Std C37.90TM-2007 [B8],1,2 IEEE Std C37.90.1TM-2002 [B9], IEEE Std C37.90.2TM-2004 [B10], and IEEE Std C37.90.3TM-2001 [B11] shall apply.
The purpose of this standard is to define the environmental conditions present in electric power substations and to establish a common reproducible basis for designing and evaluating communications networking devices to be installed in those substations. It is a freestanding document, with no normative references to other standards.
Revision Standard – Inactive-Reserved. Service conditions, electrical ratings, thermal ratings, and environmental testing requirements are defined for communications networking devices to be installed in electric power substations. This standard establishes a common reproducible basis for designing and evaluating communications networking devices and the communications ports of protective relays for use in this harsh environment.
The purpose of this standard is to define the environmental conditions present in electric power substations and to establish a common reproducible basis for designing and evaluating communications networking devices to be installed in those substations. It is a freestanding document, with no normative references to other standards.
Revision Standard – Inactive-Reserved. Service conditions, electrical ratings, thermal ratings, and environmental testing requirements are defined for communications networking devices to be installed in electric power substations. This standard establishes a common reproducible basis for designing and evaluating communications networking devices and the communications ports of protective relays for use in this harsh environment.